September 17, 2020

DSM is a Safe Place to go for Care

DSM is a Safe Place to go for Care

Fear of contracting covid-19 in the doctor’s office or other healthcare facility waiting room has resulted in an alarming trend.  Many patients are foregoing medical care even when they need it, instead, deciding that their pain isn’t worth the risk of going into the doctor.

But this can be a big mistake. Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong, and the longer you wait to have it evaluated, the worse the pain may get, even resulting in compensation injuries to other areas. While minor aches, pains, and muscle stiffness can often be treated with rest, ice, or epsom salt soaks, certain conditions like sciatica, acute pain from a new sports injury, or chronic pain from an existing injury, absolutely require an in-person visit, particularly if the pain radiates down the leg or causes numbness or tingling in the extremities.

At Dynamic Sports Medicine, we are working even harder to ensure your health and safety during this time while still providing you with the most advanced sports medicine technology and treatment methods available. Our enhanced safety protocols allow us to continue with our hands-on treatments and also minimize risk to both patients and staff.

While your wellness is always our top priority, we are currently:

* seeing patients by appointment only to prevent overcrowding in the office and to allow adequate time to disinfect our already-spotless common areas and treatment rooms between patients.
* routinely screening staff and patients for fever and symptoms.
* suspending late-cancellation fees to encourage patients to reschedule appointments should they develop symptoms of fever, body aches, nausea, shortness of breath, or a sore throat.
* providing no-contact pick up of nutritional supplement refills, rehab equipment, or other materials
* requiring all staff and patients to wear masks in the office in accordance with local and state mandates and CDC recommendations.
* providing check-in by phone, so patients can remain in their cars until their room is ready.
* requesting that patients wash their hands thoroughly upon entering the clinic, and again before leaving.

All of us at Dynamic Sports Medicine care deeply about your health, wellness, and healing from injury. Even though we are high-touch in many of the modalities we use in the evaluation and treatment of back and neck pain, headaches, and injury treatment and prevention, we are committed to ensuring you feel safe making and keeping your sports chiropractic appointments during this time.

If you just need a consultation, follow-up, to review test results, or have questions about rehab exercises you have been prescribed, we are happy to see you through a virtual visit or perhaps a phone call. However, when hands-on adjustments are essential for the proper healing of existing sports injuries, or to stabilize vulnerable areas to decrease the likelihood of re-injury, we are here for you. Please don’t hesitate to call us for an appointment.

Dr. Matt Lowe

Dr. Matt Lowe’s extensive knowledge of the human body, combined with his experience as a world-class athlete, allows him to provide his patients with the most advanced and integrative approach to treating injuries and improving sports performance. Throughout his chiropractic career, he has treated active individuals as well as professional athletes from the NFL, NBA, PGA, NCAA and the U.S. Olympic Team.

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