Texas’ Wrist Pain Chiropractor
The wrist is an often-ignored part of the body, but when it starts to hurt, it can make sports and work all but impossible. If you suffer pain, numbness, tingling, or other discomfort in your wrist, you are not alone – And you have options for getting back to your daily activities
Wrist pain can be caused by many underlying conditions or injuries. Overuse can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. Sports can lead to acute injuries. Arthritis can lead to chronic, and worsening, aching. All of these conditions can interfere with your ability to actually use your hand.
At Dynamic Sports Medicine, we offer the gold standard in recovery, injury prevention, rehab, and physical performance. Our expert team can leverage a wide range of treatments to address your wrist pain – And help you achieve your activity and performance goals. From chiropractic adjustments to cutting-edge PEMF care, we have the tools to address wrist pain the athletes’ way.
Additional Conditions Treated
Don’t let pain limit your mobility and performance. Discover how our dedicated team can help you address a range of conditions that do not have to slow you down!